Tears streamed down his face. He was distraught over seeing pew after pew with little plaques proudly displaying “donated by Mr. and Mrs. Jones”. Name after name, plaque after plaque. Why distraught? Because he realized that those souls may have their only reward in that little plaque! They traded for an earthly reward in the place of a heavenly reward.
Jesus warns us of such. Seeking fame, recognition, reward of any kind for our good deeds, becomes the end of heavenly rewards. When a name is praised on Earth, it may be unknown in heaven. How sad!
This isn’t to say that we should limit our good deeds, but it says we need to look deep into our in hearts. Ask yourself, ask God “why” we do those deeds. The “why” is always more important than the “what”. If the answer of “why” involves thanks, recognition, fame, reward of any sort, then we missed it. Our motivation for good works must by compassion, desire to help, love for others. Our motivation should be always to please God, not man. We do what we do because we want, desire, crave the blessings of our Father being pleased.
Store up rewards in heaven, by being silent in our deeds here. Don’t draw attention to yourself. Resist seeing your name in lights, on a plaque. How much better to let Jesus get the glory! He alone deserves it.